Atlas ![]() Merathaim (Babylon) and surrounding area Maps Created using Biblemapper 3.0 Additional data from Occurrences Jeremiah 50:21 Go up against the land of Merathaim, even against it, and against the inhabitants of Pekod: kill and utterly destroy after them, says Yahweh, and do according to all that I have commanded you.Encyclopedia MERATHAIMmer-a-tha'-im (merathayim "double rebellion"): A name used for Babylon in Jeremiah 50:21. According to Delitzsch it may be equivalent to the Babylonian Marratun, i.e. land by the nar Marratu, "the bitter river" (Persian Gulf) = Southern Babylonia (OHL, under the word). Strong's Hebrew H4850: Merathayimperhaps "double rebellion," another name for Bab. |