
Ataroth 2 (Ataroth) and surrounding region
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Joshua 16:2 It went out from Bethel to Luz, and passed along to the border of the Archites to Ataroth;
Joshua 16:7 It went down from Janoah to Ataroth, to Naarah, reached to Jericho, and went out at the Jordan.
ATAROTHat'-a-roth, a-ta'-roth (`aTaroth, "crowns" or "wreaths"; Ataroth):
(1) A city East of the Jordan, apparently in the territory given to Reuben, but built, or fortified, by the children of Gad (Numbers 32:3, 34). It is named along with Dibon, which is identified with Dhiban. Eight miles Northeast by North of Dibon, on the South of Wady Zerqa Ma`in, stands Jebel `Attarus, in which the ancient name is preserved. The city is doubtless represented by Khirbet `Attarus, about 4 miles West of the mountain.
(2) A place on the boundary between Ephraim and Benjamin, toward the West (Joshua 16:2). It seems to be the same as Ataroth-addar of Joshua 16:5, 18:13. It is probably to be identified with the modern ed-Dariyeh South of nether Bethhoron, and about 12 1/2 miles West of Jerusalem.
(3) A place on the eastern frontier of Ephraim (Joshua 16:7). This town has not been identified. Conder thinks it may be identified with et-Truneh in the Jordan valley, or with Khirbet et-Taiyereh.
W. Ewing